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Undoubtedly having the right tool for the job makes life soooooo much easier! After spending the majority of my life digging holes I know a thing or 2 about how to do it.

Lets explore what the difference is between a regular shovel and a shovel that is used in the irrigation industry.

Here are the 2 shovels that every irrigation or sprinkler professional uses.

The 6 inch Trenching Shovel – Primarily used for digging and clearing out around pipes and fittings.

The Spade Shovel – Primarily used for cutting out grass and shaping the holes.

First Up The Trenching Shovel

The trenching shovel is the number one tool for digging up an irrigation pipe or sprinkler head! It is strong, narrow, and allows you to clean out around the pipes with ease.

I am sure you are saying that you can do this with a regular shovel too right? Of course you can! You can also use a brick for a hammer, but you don’t have any bricks in your tool box do you?

Choosing The Right Trenching Shovel For You

Like every other tool in the world trenching shovels come in all shapes sizes and brands. Lets take a look at some characteristics to help you make the best choice.

Trenching Shovel Size

The first thing to look for is the size. Trenching shovels usually come in 2 sizes 4 inch and 6 inch wide. I prefer the 6 inch shovel. Since this is usually the size of an average irrigation trenching machine.

4 inch shovels in my opinion are generally a bit to small for my taste. they really do not have enough surface area to hold as much dirt as a 6″ shovel. They tend to feel like you are doing double the amount of work since you can not remove as much dirt in a single scoop.

Trenching Shovel Construction

Equally important is what type of material is the trenching shovel made out of. Unlike normal shovels, irrigation shovels are going to be exposed to HUGE amounts of moisture.

They will often be laying in mud, sprayed with water, and even soaked in puddles.

So you don’t to buy something with an el cheapo handle, that will swell up and splinter at the first sight of water.

No, you want to go with a strong wood handle, fiber glass, or plastic. I am sure you are saying “PLASTIC no way!” Yes, plastic.

They are extremely durable and will definitely outlast the job.

Next Spade Shovel

If you want to make some nice clean holes and be able to fill them back in without anyone noticing that you were there, then you need a spade shovel.

Spade Shovels allow you to make crisp clean cuts into the grass due to their shape. Unlike conventional shovels which are rounded spade shovels have more of a square point. Which makes them ideal for removing grass.

Simply cut out a rough shape with the spade shovel into the grass, then use it to skim just under the roots to cut it way.

Once the grass is removed, you can either choose to continue with the spade shovel or switch over the trenching shovel to finish the job.

Bottom Line

Both of these shovels will make your life so much easier. The trenching shovel by giving you surgical access to pipes and fittings. The spade shovel for giving you precision excavation and grass removal. Which helps when back-filling and cleaning up your work.

Feel free to check them both out and let me know what you think.

Thank you for your time!

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I spent over 20 years in the irrigation industry and later transitioned over to the aerospace industry. I have been constantly sought out in regards to my knowledge in sprinkler systems. Whether it was by co-workers, friends, neighbors, and even old customers. I realized even though I changed career paths I could not shake the experience I devoted to irrigation and sprinkler systems. I loved the challenge, complexity, and the satisfaction of pleasing the customer. With that in mind I decided to build this website to have the same experience, but in a different way.