Common Sprinkler Questions Revealedvealed

Common Sprinkler Questions Revealedvealed


  1. How much does it cost to install a sprinkler system? In a house?
    1. On average an entire yard will cost between 3-5 thousand dollars. Most of the cost will be associated with the water source. A more in-depth cost breakdown can be on one of my previous posts located here.
  2. How much does it cost to add a zone to a sprinkler system?
    1. Since most of the major components are already there, the water source and the controller. To add a zone usually, cost 3-6 hundred dollars.
  3. Does sprinkler system use a lot of electricity?
    1. If you are using City Water as your water source, then no. The only electricity you will be using will be powering the timer an the valves when it is programmed to run.
    2. If you are on a pump system then yes, you will be using more electricity. However, the electricity usage on a pump system is usually significantly lower than if you were using City Water.
  4. How many sprinkler heads can be on one zone?
    1. The amount of heads depends on the amount of available water and the area that is being watered. As a general rule, each head uses about 2 gallons per minute. On most residential system you are going to be using 8-10 gallons per minute or 5-5 heads per zone.
  5. How deep do you install a sprinkler system?
    1. Most systems are only installed 4-6 inches under the soil. The main purpose of this depth is to avoid damaging the pipes during Aerations and seeding. If winterized properly you will not have to worry about pipes freezing and breaking.
  6. How far apart do you put sprinkler Heads?
    1. Rotor heads or heads that rotate while watering are usually placed 30 feet apart in open areas. However, if a head can only spray 20 feet in front of itself before hitting a driveway, a house, or another obstruction then the next head will be 20 feet from that one.
    2. Spray heads, or heads that do not rotate, the pop out of the ground and spray a fixed pattern. Are at most 15 feet apart, and the same rules apply as the rotor heads
  7. How do sprinklers work?
    1. On my troubleshooting page, I went into depth about how the systems work, but I will give you the basics. The water source supplies water to the control valves, the control valves open when the timer is set to come on.
  8. How much pressure do you need for a sprinkler system?
    1. As a general rule sprinkler systems tend to operate at around 40 psi. If you go higher the heads tend to start to mist, lower the water begins to be more of a solid stream.

I will be adding to this guide as more questions come in. Thank you for viewing my page!